The Pearhead project has moved into its final phase. All recording is done and mixing is down to the final tweaks and nudges with mastering to follow. It's been a long road to get this far. We can't wait to share this with everybody. Stay tuned
The Sybil Records netLabel is maintained by Daniel Brooks and features artists and bands that either include or were recorded/produced by Pat or Daniel Brooks. Styles range from hard rock to mellow acoustic and experimental soundscapes.
All music is free to download and share. Albums are compressed in Zip format with artwork and liner notes when available. All music is in MP3 format at 320kpbs. Please don't ask for other formats but feel free to convert them yourself.
We welcome your feedback. Feel free to leave a comment or review.
All MP3s are DRM Free and will work on any player
Upcoming Releases
Pat Brooks - Pat is working on a project. Principle recording is close to done with mixing and mastering to follow. No due date yet.
Baby Strange mke -The Tony Bear Tapes. We have been putting the finishing touches on old four-track tapes we did with Tony Bear on drums.
Zelda Whyte - Found some old tapes recorded at a house party. Transfer is done, just waiting for final mastering and packaging. Coming soon!
Pearhead - New album is in the final mixing and mastering stage. Should be out soon.
Heavy Nova - Work on a new CD has begun. Have 5 songs mostly done. Writing 5 more.
Mighty Man - Mungo Jerry inspired cover band is working on an album.
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